Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I Believe in God, . . .

This graphic was featured in the January 16 issue of The Catholic Telegraph. According to this poll, 7% of Catholics don't even believe in God!

I know this was an online poll, but it makes a person wonder who those 7% are.


RussDaMan said...

I don't see how you can claim to be either Protestant or Catholic and not believe in God.
That's just crazy.

Kurt H said...

I might be able to accept the 5% figure for Protestants, given that there is no unanimity of doctrine among Protestants, other than in opposition to the Catholic Church. By that I mean that even Protestant groups that are closely related (e.g., Missouri Synod Lutherans and members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America) believe different things. Given that the Protestant tent could even include Unitarians and Jehovah's Witnesses, it could be very important to define what one means by "God." Such distinctions are not, or at least should not, be necessary with Catholics.

Hans Georg Lundahl said...

I think the seven percent might be influenced by Atheistic Judaism.

You know that you can be a Jew and still be an Atheist? Stephen J. Gould invented the phrase, as far as I know, "non-overlapping magisteria". Now, for science and Torah to be non-overlapping, one of them needs to be not concerned with fact, only with, for instance, values or ideals. So, guess that is where 7% of the Catholics asked come from. In the main.