I know that there are some families that pray the rosary together frequently. I have a high degree of certainty that those families are exceptional. As it is, I increasingly risk a mini-revolt just praying the Angelus before dinner in the evening. Prudence being the better part of valor, I typically try to entice my children to eat their spiritual vegetables rather than force-feed them. That being said, there are some non-negotiables (e.g., mass on Sundays and holy days).
I didn’t want to just say a standard rosary, so before heading out the door, I printed off the Sorrowful Mysteries of the scriptural rosary, and I let Amy drive (she said she liked it better that way anyway—something about getting there the same day) so that I could lead the rosary. I encouraged the kids to grab their beads, but, like typical teens, they deferred (“We’ll just use our fingers, Dad”).
All that I can say is that it was incredible. I haven't prayed the other mysteries using the meditations from the scriptural rosary, but the sorrowful mysteries are excellent, especially for a Lenten Friday. I hope the kids were paying enough attention to have gotten something out of it.
It was a beautiful rosary--I would love to continue that with the family every Sunday.
thanks for sharing...I've not ever seen/prayed it this way before.
Great Post. Does this require a special Rosary? I think it's great that you and your family could share this together.
The rosary itself is just the typical five decade rosary, and the prayers said on each bead are the same. The only difference is that a short verse of scripture is recited before each Hail Mary (i.e., 10 verses per decade). The verses really aid in focusing the meditation on the mystery being prayed: (1) The Agony in the Garden; (2) The Scourging at the Pillar; (3) The Crowning with Thorns; (4) The Carrying of the Cross; and (5) The Crucifixion and Death of Jesus.
I prefer what Louis-Marie Grignon de Montfort called the second method.
The Hail Mary used to end with the name "Jesus" before Girolamo Savonarola - yes, the "Catholic Puritan" who was burned at a stake - added the Holy Mary, Mother of God prayer.
Now, in the "second method", words relating to Christ's role in the mystery are added immediately after the name Jesus, before the final prayer.
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