April 4 is the feast day of St. Isidore of Seville. Isidore is a doctor of the Church and, according to the CNA entry, is "the last of the ancient Christian philosophers and great Latin Fathers." He is the patron saint of the internet (appropriate for all bloggers!), and author of the first encyclopedia ever written. He died April 4, 636.
(Prayer from Catholic Web Resources)
Prayer for the intercession of St. Isidore of Seville
(proposed) Patron Saint of Internet Users
Almighty and eternal God,
who created us in Thy image
and bade us to seek after
all that is good, true and beautiful,
especially in the divine person
of Thy only-begotten Son,
our Lord Jesus Christ,
grant we beseech Thee that,
through the intercession of Saint Isidore,
bishop and doctor,
during our journeys through the internet
we will direct our hands and eyes
only to that which is pleasing to Thee
and treat with charity and patience
all those souls whom we encounter.
Through Christ our Lord.
(Prayer from Catholic Web Resources)
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