Sunday, November 16, 2008

Why Blog

What leads a person to create a blog? The short answer for me might be that my wife told me to.

But there's more to it than that. I really had to consider whether it was nothing more than an exercise in vanity. Am I blogging because I think that anybody out there wants to read what I write? I'm not (at least I hope) that self-centered.

It really comes down to two things. First, I'm hoping that it will foster a deeper prayer life and relationship with Christ. I might be able to get the same thing, or perhaps more so, from a private prayer journal. Indeed, I have to be careful in my blog posts not to get too personal.

My second reason for blogging is that, once upon a time, I considered myself a pretty decent writer. It's a talent that has been neglected, but I keep getting little inspirations that I think might be coming from the Holy Spirit that this (not blogging, but rather larger writing projects) is what God wants me to do. So, by blogging, I can throw samples of my writing out for public comment and hopefully hone my own thought processes and the path from my brain to the keyboard.

Maybe I'm deluding myself and it all is vanity, but I can do nothing but trust in God and hope that I'm travelling the road he has laid out for me.

1 comment:

Hans Georg Lundahl said...

Am I blogging because I think that anybody out there wants to read what I write? I'm not (at least I hope) that self-centered.

You might check the stats to find out?

If you have a talent as a writer, it is not self centered to believe that.